Thursday, October 22, 2015

Today I'm writing in purple.... Today I'm writing in purple because I am seeing RED and this is a pretty color. It reminds me that things in life will always get better.

I have 3 boys. 3 amazing, beautiful, funny boys. But... I have 3 boys.... 3 loud, crazy, free spirited, wild boys. 2 of my boys have been diagnosed with ADHD. Only 1of them is medicated. 

I know a lot of people feel that medicating a child is the easy way out. Ive heard the ADHD meds called, teachers helpers. Ive heard people say that the only reason to medicate a child is to get out of doing your job. Ive also heard that all "those" kids need is a good swift kick in the ass. 

My oldest son Mason. Hes an introvert. Spends his days doing word searches or puzzles. Plays card games by himself. Hes perfectly content with that. He is my medicated child. Until that medication is fully in his system, hes the spawn of the devil himself. NAUGH-TY!!! He will destroy my house. He will terrorize his brothers, both verbally and physically. He is down right BAD. Of course he can not sit still, hoots and hollars, all the normal behaviors, for a kids with ADHD... Hell.... For a kid PERIOD! 

But once those meds kick in, hes calm. Hes a freaking laugh riot. The crap that comes out of that kids mouth.... he kills me. and he can do the things he enjoys. He can focus on the puzzle, he can focus on the word search. And he thanks me. Is my day easier when hes medicated... sure... but whats important is that HIS day is easier. 

Have you ever asked someone who takes meds, how they feel? I have. He goes from feeling like a wind up toy who basically has no control over what he does, to being Mason. Just Mason... Not Mason on meds. Just Mason.

Now Cooper - hes my middle son- hes a clown. He makes these faces that you just think to yourself " There is something seriously wrong with this kid", and you laugh. On those mornings when Mason is being a monster and I hit my breaking point, Cooper will come into my room and ask if he can give me a hug, and say hes sorry Mason is acting like that. He is an artist, and a reader, and so smart when you can get him to focus. We tried medicating him. Didn't work. And honestly, and to this day I hate myself for not fighting more for him, the only reason we tried to medicate him, was because we were "pressured" by the school. I say pressured in " "'s because it was more "suggested" because of his behavior. Guess what!! Didn't work. His behaviors got worse, and he gained a ton of weight. So off  he came, and I got my Cooper back. 

Then there's Dillon. My sweet little knuckle head Dillon. Art Linkletter would have had a field day with him. He is the goofiest little thing I have ever seen. And quick too. Quick to pick up on things hes learning, quick to figure things out, and quick with the sarcastic smart mouthed come backs. He makes me so proud :)

Yeah I medicate my kids. I also drink, smoke, swear..... So? I'm a good mom, and I have amazing kids. If you dont like my choice... ask me if I care. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but before you form that opinion, look at everything, all of the details. Some peoples lives are better with it, like Mason. While some aren't, like Cooper. Just think before you speak. That's all I'm asking.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Welcome Everyone-

Im sure your wondering the same thing that everyone else is... " What the heck is Gazinta Soup??"

Its a Pop thing....

My husbands grandfather always had the strangest words and stories.... He used to walk up to people and say " Do you want to fight me buddy? " Then he'd turn, point at my 6' 3" 260 lb husband and say " That's me buddy "

Great guy, little crazy, but hey - who isn't right?

Anywho- back to the Gazinta Pasta. Pop was a pasta FREAK! I swear, you would have thought he was Italian. He never had less than 10 lbs in the cupboard.... true story.

Every now and then hed call and be like were having Gazinta Pasta- Everything in the fridge "Gazinta it" Get it?? Did ya get what he did there....

So this is my life, this is my story. This is my kids,my husband, my hobbies, my likes, my hates, and my thoughts.

This is my Gazinta Soup.